Saturday, October 17, 2009

On hair

Check out this post:

How much of ourselves do we surrender when we try to look like we're "supposed to"? How hard is it to stand up?


Kathi said...

i guess i am just really confused as to how cornrows on an anchor could be distracting. i mean ok years ago when only caucasians were on tv maybe that would fly. but now? COME ON! how can we ever move forward and call ourselves all of the positive things that are associated with america if we say african american women can't have corn rows because no one can relate to them. isn't it also true that caucasians will soon be the minority in america? this is just ridiculous

Gena said...

I agree with Katharina. I think that in today's society a particular hairstyle should not effect the respect giving to one anchor versus another. Especially since many times those involved in high fashion find such styles to be glamorous on the runway. I am appalled that it can still be an issue in today's society. But I guess at the time same time it unfortunately makes sense. We are so fixated on looks and conforming to the societal norms that we forget how beautiful we can be naturally. This article just further sheds light on the image issue tainting our society.