Saturday, February 16, 2008

Race and crime

When I ask you what distinguishes online journalism, some of you answer a key is the space to do more than you could in another medium. This is an amazing and heart-rending illustration of that. I'd love to see them go beyond the blog now, to put some depth to the breadth, particularly by using audio or video to give voice to families that have so often been invisible. I think it's also interesting how on-scene reporting can deepen the kind of data you'd find in everyblock and how race played in different ways for the audience.


MeggyC said...

This article was so compelling. I mean, you here about stuff like this every day, but when he lists it and gives you details about these people, it touches you on a different level. They aren't just a statistic anymore.

HansA said...

Wow, that article was amazing. It really forced me to think about prioritizing information. Is a celebrity/unusual death more important or worthy than an average death? The project undertaken in this article proves otherwise in my opinion. I think this project opens a lot of doors into other issues surrounding story prioritizing in journalism. Certainly a worthy read.