Thursday, January 10, 2008

MySpace Suicide Update

Washington Post has an excellent piece today on the MySpace suicide case we discussed at length earlier. At first glance, I must admit, I thought, "Geez, Post, you're pretty late to this story." But the piece benefits from the distance. It has a better grasp of the response than others I've read. Definitely worth a look.

1 comment:

TH Williams said...

What happened was intolerable but finding ways to seek ‘justice’ or revenge accomplishes little in this case. In many cases like this technology is far ahead of ability of the legal system to cope with it. Concerned observers need to take a step back and look at what these acts say about the direction modern society is headed. Seek justice where laws have clearly been broken but seek the truth about what is happening not just in Missouri but Japan, Germany, and other places. There are people coaxing other people to commit suicide in several Internet forums. Why?